Why choose Goldmann?

Goldmann tonometry is a method of IOP measurement which involves applanating the corneal surface to a specified distance. It works using the scientific principle, The Imbert-Fick Law, as well as Newton’s Third Law of Motion. Despite being over 50 years old, it still remains regarded as the ‘gold standard’ for IOP measurement.

Why choose Goldmann?

  • At present, NICE guidance for glaucoma diagnosis and management is based on IOP measurements taken with a Goldmann or Perkins applanation tonometer.
  • The College of Optometrist’s guidance is based on NICE.

The College of Optometrist’s Clinical Management Guidelines for POAG and OHT can be found by following the links below.

Clinical Management Guideline POAG

Clinical Management Guideline OHT

Guidance on IOP measurement and glaucoma can also be found on The College’s guidance website.

  • Some local protocols and community schemes require that Goldmann tonometry be used for referral of glaucoma suspects.