Imogen R. Hawthorne

Imogen Hawthorne is an experienced optometrist with over 12 years experience
specialising in optometrist extended-roles within both NHS and private hospital
ophthalmology services. A proven leader of multi-disciplinary clinical teams,
Imogen has built teams from inception, re-designed and re-established existing
services and lead clinical groups in both local and national organisations.

After completing her pre-registration with a high street
multiple in 2009, she moved into hospital optometry. Her first post at
Wolverhampton Eye Infirmary gained her competence and expertise in paediatric
refraction, medical contact lenses, low vision, general ophthalmology,
cataract, glaucoma, cornea, uveitis, diabetes,
eye casualty and clinical research. Her final years at WEI were as a
Clinical Lead Optometrist, her most notable achievements during this time being
a remodel of the contact lens and low vision services.

In May 2018, after 8 1/2 years at WEI, Imogen moved to
SpaMedica, the UK’s largest provider of cataract surgery. Imogen joined
SpaMedica at a key point during the company’s growth and expansion. As Lead
Optometrist for the Midlands and Acting Lead for the South, she established the
optometry team in these areas from grass routes, while continuing to provide
clinical care for patients. This included cataract and YAG capsulotomy
assessment, post-op care for cataract patients including complex vitreo-retinal
cases, and YAG capsulotomy treatments. During her time at SpaMedica, Imogen
also continued some work for several NHS Trusts and providers, including re-establishing
a medical contact lens service at Walsall Manor Hospital.

In spring 2021 Imogen moved to taking a portfolio approach
to her practice. This involved continuing roles working for NHS Trusts, taking
on a new leadership role and starting her first role in academia.

Imogen is currently Lead Optometrist for Modality LLP, a
community based ophthalmology provider, working in a variety of extended
clinical roles as well as leading in operations, governance and policy. She
continues to run the contact lens service at Walsall Manor Hospital as well as
providing bank sessions to Birmingham Children’s Hospital and the University
Hospitals Birmingham Ophthalmology Research Department. A strong advocate for
expanding the scope of clinical practice for optometrists, nurses and other
allied health professionals, Imogen has worked on the Aston University faculty
since 2021 designing, implementing and teaching on Aston’s HEE funded Advanced
Clinical Practice MSc in Ocular Health.

For CPD lectures and 1:1 coaching, Imogen can be contacted on: